Fire Emblem Sacred Stones Easy Arena Abuse

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  • #1
I'm playing Sacred Stones, and am stuck on the fifth level. Reason is, I want to level all my units to the max at the arena. But then a genius thought came to me; Could I just revisit it just like the the stores on the main map? I don't want to finish the level just in case I can't and lose this opportunity, so could someone please tell me if I can do this?
Nov 10, 2011
  • #2
Ha ha ha ha, wow, you're going to get jumped.

Anyway, no, you can't revisit it. You have to do your business and then kill the boss. That's part of the risk of it all.

  • #3
I hate that part of the risk part. I was one who never appreciated knowing that an hour's worth of grinding was at stake at huge boss battles.

Great, now I have to spend another afternoon leveling my units, praying that I don't lose anyone.

  • #4
If you get alot of levels, end the chapter. You dont want to lose like i did once.
Nov 10, 2011
  • #5
Just visit the tower later. It's even easier experience than the arena.
  • #6
Better yet, just stop playing FE 8.
  • #7
Seriously, stop playing, half the interest in the game is STRATEGY, overleveling is not a strategy, it means you suck. Have some balls and play the game through like it was meant to. Thats what I liked about FE7, you got rated on the speed you went through the levels, so you couldnt sit around and level up your units beyond reason. Its called a challenge, try it sometime
Nov 10, 2011
  • #8
Hey, cut FE8 some slack. It has twincest!
  • #9
The tower? Can you explain that? I want to know what other opportunities I'll get before I stop leveling my units here.
Nov 10, 2011
  • #10
Basically it's an extra eight maps you can visit to your heart's content. It's pitifully easy, and you can pick up items and money in addition to gaining experience. This becomes available not long after Ch. 5, and you'll eventually unlock another more difficult area to grind.
May 17, 2008
  • #11
Once you make it to Chapter 9, you will have access to the tower, you can train anyone as strong as you want. Just ignore the arenas, they're worthless in this game.
Nov 10, 2011
  • #12
"Seriously, stop playing, half the interest in the game is STRATEGY, overleveling is not a strategy, it means you suck."

To the contrary, NOT overleveling means that you suck and don't have the necessary skills to overlevel.

"The tower? Can you explain that? I want to know what other opportunities I'll get before I stop leveling my units here. "

What hero said. Only the first floor will be available at first, and as you progress further into the game, more levels will be available.

But really, the first floor is some decent exp. The other floors are MUCH bigger and take a lto longer to get through. With this, you can send one guy/however many you want and just have them crash through the zombies, and kill the big one at the end for an incredibly imbalanced amount of EXP for what it is.

  • #13
Thanks, I'll ingore the arena then. Shouldv'e asked earlier, before I had invested most of the past several weekends on it.

"To the contrary, NOT overleveling means that you suck and don't have the necessary skills to overlevel."

While I see that could have been meant in my defence, I refute it. I'm simply not going to listen to anyone who thinks that playing a game on it's hardest difficulty and frustrating myself will make me feel good about myself, or is any reason to boast. I play games to have fun, and yes, for a challenge. But don't think I'm near idiotic enough to ever believe that by making something that was at one point fun frustrating simply so I can try to convince myself that it's anything I can be proud about.

  • #14
Viceroy is an idiot, dont take him seriously.
Nov 10, 2011
  • #15
See Geek, this is one of those times that you should pick your words more carefully, as I don't know you well enough to know whether or not you're joking.

"While I see that could have been meant in my defence, I refute it. I'm simply not going to listen to anyone who thinks that playing a game on it's hardest difficulty and frustrating myself will make me feel good about myself, or is any reason to boast. "


That's what HE was saying. I was simply challenging him to accept YOUR philosophy.

Don't see how that could have been misinterpreted, but so long as we're clear.

  • #16
While I see that could have been meant in my defence, I refute it. I'm simply not going to listen to anyone who thinks that playing a game on it's hardest difficulty and frustrating myself will make me feel good about myself, or is any reason to boast. I play games to have fun, and yes, for a challenge. But don't think I'm near idiotic enough to ever believe that by making something that was at one point fun frustrating simply so I can try to convince myself that it's anything I can be proud about.
That's basically what I thought when I started Radiant Dawn Normal mode. But it turned out to be easy as caek in the end. Then again, there's no arena/tower in PoR and RD.
Nov 10, 2011
  • #17
^But there's BEXP, which is comparably good.
Nov 10, 2011
  • #19
What's this?

NO arena
NO ruins


Nov 10, 2011
  • #20
I gotta admit, that was pretty good.
Nov 10, 2011
  • #21
Forgot the obligatory \_\-|_/_\-/\- at the bottom

Anon would scold me

  • #22
Ok, vice, i would like to thank you for correcting my stupidity, overleveling is a strategy, but in this game it just means you lazy and have too much time on your hands. in the other games, it is probrably one of the better strategies, but here, not so much.
Nov 10, 2011
  • #23
"overleveling is a strategy, but in this game it just means you lazy"

Because video games are always about getting rigorous exercise

Nov 10, 2011
  • #24
Why do some people bitch about how other people play a god damn game which is meant to be fun for whoever plays it. Games = life doesn't apply to everyone. One wouldn't believe it but some people play games for the fun and not to show how hardass they are and how they win at life by owning a video game. [face_plain]
The peson I'm adressing should know that I hope.


Nov 10, 2011
  • #25
Most do it because they don't have much else to be proud of.
  • #26
I love the Tower and Ruins. It give me a chance to go back and level up if I ever want to use them in the story or just for fun. And it works for doing support convos too.
Nov 10, 2011
  • #28
Call me


  • #29
If you're gonna abuse, arena is more efficient than tower. Instead of having to buy and use weapons, you get them for free. You get like 30-50 EXP per battle, rather than like 1-6 EXP per monster (well, bosses give good EXP, and that's it). And you get the huge cash reward, averaging out to about 550G per battle. More risky, that it is...but more profitable.
Nov 10, 2011
  • #30
Since the only arena comes before and promotion items are available, the Tower will get you to the same max level (20/-) about as quickly, though you will indeed need to pay for the weapons to get there.
  • #31
The Ch5 arena isn't the only one. Landing at Taizel on Ephraim's route and Revolt at Carcino on Eirika's. The one on Eirika's doesn't have a shop with buyable staves though, so you have to buy those beforehand.
Nov 10, 2011
  • #32
Oops, I completely forgot about those. #-o In that case, I agree with your entire argument.

I'm even on that chapter. [face_plain]

  • #33
"If you're gonna abuse, arena is more efficient than tower. Instead of having to buy and use weapons, you get them for free. You get like 30-50 EXP per battle, rather than like 1-6 EXP per monster (well, bosses give good EXP, and that's it). And you get the huge cash reward, averaging out to about 550G per battle. More risky, that it is...but more profitable."

The Ruins give you a ton a experience, about the same as the arenas. And I just don't like the arenas because I'm not a very risky person so I'm always hesitant about using them.

Nov 10, 2011
  • #34
I think we can all agree that they each have their own benefits.
  • #35
Ruins doesn't give you "a ton of EXP" afaik, not more than arenas, especially not per battle. Maybe the last floor or bosses or something, but those also cost you better weapons.
  • #36
Seriously, stop playing, half the interest in the game is STRATEGY, overleveling is not a strategy, it means you suck. Have some balls and play the game through like it was meant to. Thats what I liked about FE7, you got rated on the speed you went through the levels, so you couldnt sit around and level up your units beyond reason. Its called a challenge, try it sometime
Man, I can smell the douche from here. Get off your internet high horse and don't negatively criticize one persons play style. You claim to play the game the way it was meant to be played.....well there are certainly spots to grind in the game. Doesn't that mean that you ARE supposed to use them? Seems rational to me, but maybe your to busy bagging on other people to see that. Jeez, some people need to keep their mouths shut, seriously [face_rolling_eyes]

Anyway, don't bother with the arenas. Wait till you can use the tower, it's loads better. Good luck and have fun with the game [face_peace]

  • #37
arenas are good for money!!!!!!!!! I had like over a million(I think) by the end of chapter 5.
  • #38
does anyone else think exclamation marks add a lot of worth to your post!!!!!!!!
Nov 10, 2011
  • #39



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